Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Tyranny

Now, that wasn't very nice now, was it? This woman is after all, just doing her job. I think the reason that I have such problems with her is that she's quite young...

...that is not to say that she's doing her job badly - on the contrary, she is in fact executing her tasks with a ruthless dedication. I suspect that her age (the precedence of seniority being what it is over here) means that she has no choice but to perform her duties in an overly zealous manner...which would explain why the older ladies who've dealt with me before are more flexible - their age and status gives them that freedom.

Perhaps it's better for all concerned that I can't speak Japanese at all well. If I'd launched into a diatribe, there would still be the risk of having to deal with this woman again...and having worked behind the desk of a City Library for two and a half years, I don't want to be the unpleasant angry customer.


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